My May Break!!

If you follow me on instagram then you will know that last week I had a May break. It was so fun, that I thought why not make a blog post about it? My parents, friends and I went to Łomnia which is a city in Dolny Śląsk. We were there from Friday to Wednesday, so I'll take through them! P.S: I don't really remember what we did everyday (Does anybody know the day it is when they're on vacation??) so I will just tell you the highlights! Castles! We went to two castles on out trip. The first one was called "The Castle in Czochy" it was so cute outside we HAD to take pictures! Here are some: me in front of a cute tree haha my friends and I attempting to jump backwards me in front of direction signs, you can see the castle in the background! me in front of the castle The next castle we went to was the castle in Książ. We went there on the last day of our trip. The funny story is that we went there when there was some ki...