My May Break!!

If you follow me on instagram then you will know that last week I had a May break. It was so fun, that I thought why not make a blog post about it? My parents, friends and I went to Łomnia which is a city in Dolny Śląsk. We were there from Friday to Wednesday, so I'll take through them!
P.S: I don't really remember what we did everyday (Does anybody know the day it is when they're on vacation??) so I will just tell you the highlights!

We went to two castles on out trip. The first one was called "The Castle in Czochy"
it was so cute outside we HAD to take pictures! Here are some:

me in front of a cute tree haha

my friends and I attempting to jump backwards 

me in front of direction signs, you can see the castle
in the background!

me in front of the castle

The next castle we went to was the castle in Książ.
We went there on the last day of our trip. The funny
story is that we went there when there was some kind 
of flower festival, so our parents thought there wouldn't be
any parking spots next to the castle, so they parked a little 
farther from it. We walked 1h to the castle uphill!! When we
got there, my friends and I looked around and found a parking 
lot with no cars parked in it!!! We had to walk 3km to the castle 
and back!! I check my phone later and we walked 11 000 steps.

During the whole trip, there was a lot of beautiful sunsets.
The pictures below were taken by me on the first night there.

Water Fall! 

During the trip, we also had time to go to a water fall. We all knew it wasn't a natural water fall, but we really wanted to take pictures there. Here's mine:
As I mentioned earlier, we went to a flower festival. I had a flower crown on
that I made by myself and I felt like Lana Del Rey (I don't know why).
Here are some pictures I took:

I loved this trip! It was so much fun to spend some time with my family and friends. I'm so sorry I haven't been posting for a long time!

I hope you're having a wonderful day!
- Angelxo


  1. Ooh that looks nice! Where were these castles located in the world,exactly?

    #sweetreats xx

    1. Hi, they are in Książ. A small town in Dolny Śląsk in Poland :) I really like your blog! Really cute!!
      - Angel xo


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