My Weekend Morning Routine!

My weekend morning routine is a lot different then my week day routine. I usually sleep in a little during the weekends, because I have to wake up very early to school. Here is my routine:

9:30 - Getting Up
I wake up at around 9:30, sometimes 10:30 if I stayed up a little later on Friday. The pillow on my right is DIY which means I made it by myself and it's so cute. It's one of two pillows that I made. One says 'sweater' and the one on my bed says 'weather'. After I wake up I open my laptop...

9:40 - Internet Time
When I wake up from 10h without being on the internet I  have to check what's going on with all the celebrities. You never know, maybe your favourite singer just posted a new music video on youtube to his new song! I usually check Instagram, Twitter and my emails. After 20min of checking the internet, I get hungry... so I go to the kitchen  to make myself a breakfast.

 10:00 - Breakfast
For breakfast I usually have a smoothie or oatmeal. 
 I put strawberries, berries and acai in my smoothie. First I put the fruits in the blender and then I add Acai juice. This time the smoothie was a little too dry so I had to add some orange juice.

 When everything is mixed, I put the smoothie in a bowl and decorate it with fruits! This time I added a banana, some strawberries and I added some chia seeds.

 11:00 - Going out or staying in
The next this depends on what I feel like. If I feel like I want to stay home and just chill, then I usually do my homework, study or watch Netflix. If I want to go somewhere, I usually go shopping.
We all love Starbucks, so every weekend as I go shopping I get Starbucks. My go to order is the Caramel Frapuccino. It's so good 😍 
Next I just walk around the mall, sometimes I buy something. 

I hope you're having a wonderful day!
What's your go to drink at Starbucks?
- Angel xo


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