Cute things to do during Valentines Day!

Most of us don't have someone to spend Valentines day with. I for example don't have a boyfriend and I thought I was going to spend time with by friends. Sadly one of my best friend lives across the world from here, we are planing to face time each other, but it's still not as great as seeing each other. Now most of you will say: "You probably have other friends, what about them?".
Well, I have to stay in the countryside until Thursday, so I can't meet up with them. Today I will tell you what you can do to make yourself and everyone around you happy on this pink day.

1. Walk around with a sign!
This is something that a band inspired me to do. I haven't done it yet, because every time Valentines day comes around it is still really cold outside. But if you live in a place where it is warm during February then you can take a big piece of paper. It can be white, pink or red and write something cute on it. For example:
This is a photo of a band called "Cimorelli".

2. Bake for/with your friends!
Baking can be really fun! Especially if you're baking with friend. Call some of your friend and meet up at your house. Bake some good cookies and then eat them! Or you can bake some cookies and then hand them out to your friends and family!
here is a really good red velvet cookie recipe!

3. Give out gifts!
Giving out gifts to someone can make you happy and people around you happy! You can make little gifts for your loved ones or buy some flowers and hand them out on the street. I'm telling you, you will make someones day a little less lonely!

4.  Have a movie night!

There's a lot of romantic comedies that you can watch alone or with friends and family. Here are some example:
-Bridget Jones
-Mean Girls
-High School Musical 😉

Or some tv shows:
- Full House / Fuller House
- Gilmore Girls
- Gossip Girls

5. have a spa evening!
Get some face masks or make your own and relax! Take a warm bubble bath and listen to some music or watch a movie. Paint your nails and just chill. You will thank yourself later for taking a break.

6. Go shopping!
There's nothing better than going shopping with your friends. Go out, eat some ice cream and treat yo' self. Buy some cute clothes and spend quality time with your friends! Sounds good, right?

7. Listen to good music!
I was in the car and Meghan Trainers song came on and I just started thinking about how good Meghans songs are for single girls, so I created a playlist for all the people out there who are single on Valentines Day! You can listen to the playlist here.

I hope you're having a wonderful day!
- Angel xo


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