My Christmas Wishlist!!

Hello everyone,
I haven’t been on here in a while, but I’m back!! Today’s post is super exciting because It’s a collab with my friend Natalie !! You can check out her instagram here. So today I will be showing you guys what is on my Christmas Wishlist and If you want to see what Natalie has on her Wishlist you can check it out here. So let’s just get on with the post!


1. Record Player / Vinyls
I’ve been wanting a record player for some time now. Especially now that I am obsessed with the 80's and stuff from that era. I’m not sure if I’ll get it this year, but what’s wrong with dreaming ?? Also, If I get a record player I will have to buy some Vinyls to listen to.

2. Canon G7X
I really want a camera on which I could record vlogs. It is more on the expensive shelf, but If I do get it then you can expect some vlogs!!

3. Studio Lights
This is more on the „i need this, but don’t want to buy it myself” side. I need them for recording my youtube videos, expecially now that It’s winter time and the days get darker earlier. It’s so hard to film because I can only film on the weekend.

4. Books
If you know me, you know that I love books!! I literally read them all the time. The sad part is that books are kind of expensive. Atleast in Poland, when I’m trying to buy a book in english and It’s a lot more expensive. So getting books for Christmas would be super cool.

So if you don’t know what this is then GO SEARCH IT UP. It’s the cutest thing ever. It’s this blanket in the shape of a mermaid tail. I would really want one for Christmas, that way I could chill in my blanket and read some books.

6. Laptop Cover.
So curently my laptop is naked, as you could say. It doesn’t have any cover on it so If I drop it or something, It will break instantly. As you can see, I NEED A LAPTOP CASE.

7. Fjällräven Kanken Backpack
Ok this backpack has been really popular this year and I really want it! I know it’s kind of expensive, but it’s really cute, especially the baby blue one!!

8. Golden chockers
So this is kind of a random one, but I’ve been seeing these golden chokers everywhere, but I’ve never really thought of buying one. They’re so cute and I’d really love to have one.

9. Clothes !
Clothes are cute, but they’re expensive. Like who wants to spend like 100zł for one tshirt?? So.... If anyone from my family is reading this, please buy me some clothes. I really like Forver21, Brandy Melville, VS Pink etc. Also I'm obsessed with the fashion is the 80's so !!

10. Yellow vans
If you follow me on instagram, you probably know that I’ve been loving the color yellow recently. And have you seen Yellow Vans?? They’re the prettiest thing ever!

I hope you liked this post. I’m so sorry I haven’t been really active on here, but I will try to post some new posts soon! Make sure to go check out Natalie and her post! 

- Angel xo


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