My Goals For 2017!

Welcome back,
Every year I make a list of goals I want to achieve. This year I want to share my list with you. A lot of people choose one word that they are going to stick to for the whole year. My word is:


For the whole year I will repeat this word in my head. Now I will share with you what is my list of goals for this year!

1. Improve my languages
I want to improve my Spanish. I have been learning Spanish for one year now, but I feel like I don't know a lot. That's why this year I really want to focus on that.

2. Improve my personality
I feel like I haven't been myself, like I've changed. This year I want to be kinder, smarter, more sociable and more happier.

3. Improve my style
I want to change my style a bit. I feel like I don't really have one style. I keep trying new styles and clothes to see what's best for me. This year I want to find my style.

4. Improve my writing skills
A lot of my friends and teachers have told me that my writing skills are very good. That's one of the reasons why I started my blog. I compare my blog to other blogs a lot and I realised that I have a lot to learn.

5. Improve my other skills
I also love to dance, but I know I can do better. That's why I'm going to learn different styles of dance and see what I have to improve.

I hope you're having a wonderful day!
Comment what your goal is for 2017!


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