Valentines Day Party!!

So today me and my class friends had a Valentines themed party! It was super fun and It was really cool to just dance around with all of my friends. If you follow me on my instagram, then you would see that I went to get my nails done yesterday and they came out so pretty! Thank you to Eyebar for having me!

We were allowed to dress up as crazy things to the party, so I dressed up as
a unicorn! Me and my friend were supposed to be twin teddy bears. I was supposed to be
a unicorn and she was supposed to be a giraffe, but she got sick. I had to
go to the party by myself, but there were other friends that were dressed up as
cute things and that I could have fun
with! For example the friend I was dancing with most of the time was dressed 
up as one of the girls from the movie "Grease". 
Here are some pictures of my costume, that I wore!

 This is what the costume looked like with the hood on:

 This is what it looked like inside the heart. There was
a short story about the life of the unicorn. There
was also a polaroid picture of me in the

I hope you're having a wonderful day!
- Angelxo


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