National Happiness Day

Today is a day that should be a very special day for everyone. We all have things that make us really happy. Maybe it's being with your friends or being alone chilling in your room, everything can make you happy. Today I'm writing a list of things that make me happy.

1.  My family
Family is something very important for me. Thanks to them I'm always a happy person. They are always there for me when I'm sad.

2. My Friends
This counts as my in real life friends as much as my online friends. I do have a couple of bloggers that I have become friends with that are really nice and make me happy. My friends are always there for me when I need them. They always know what to say to make me laugh.

3. Sunsets and chill music.
I love laying in my room, listening to music and looking at the sunset. Actually this is exactly what I'm doing right now. Sadly, because it's not summer yet, the sunset is not as pretty, but still I'm in love with it.

4. Reading and writing poems.
Whenever I read a poem, I open my eyes to the world. It makes me feel something inside of me that makes me think about our world and behaviour. I also love to write them. I don't post them anywhere, because they are not so good, but I love to go back to my old poems and remember the day I wrote them.

5. Concerts
The feeling of seeing your favourite artist or band sing right in front of you is the best feeling ever. If you ever get an opportunity to go to a concert, go! And if you have an opportunity to go to a meet&greet then that's even better. I went to a meet&greet for the first time, when I went to the Cimorelli concert and I literally cried the whole day the next day. I couldn't believe the fact that I met the people that have been inspiring me for a long time.

6. Artists / Youtubers
This is something similar to number 5. A lot of people (mostly older than me) don't understand why I really like you tubers or artist. This is something really hard to explain, it's just that feeling you get while listening or watching them is what makes me so happy.

I hope you're having an amazing day!
- Angel xo 


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