Girl Online by Zoe Sugg // #Book Time

I recently read the 3rd part of Girl Online by Zoe Sugg and I literally died ( no just kidding, but it was really good ). All three of the parts were so good. I really recommend it! And if you don't know what the book is about ( seriously who are you?? ) I will tell you down below! A little bit about the author:

Zoe ( known as Zoella ) is a beauty and lifestyle blogger and youtuber. She is such a sweetheart and an amazing person. I have been watching her videos for a long time and when I found out that she wrote a book a couple of years ago I bought it right away. I will link her youtube and blog at the end of the post. 

Girl Online ( Part One )

This is the first part of this series. I loved this book so
much! The cover is blue and the front pictures are so
cute. So now is the part where I tell all those people
who live under a rock what this book is about. It is 
about a teenage girl named Penny. She has two 
guy friends - Alex & Elliot - but she also has an enemy
who used to be her best friend. In this part, Penny meets
a person who changes her life and opens her ( not literally! haha )

Girl Online On Tour ( Part Two )

The second part is a purple covered book. It's my
favourite look from all three of them. I can't really 
talk about what happened in this part, if you haven't 
read the first one! As you can tell from the title it
will be something about tour ( hmmm what could that mean? )
I will just say that It will make you want to travel Europe!
I love reading this part even more than the first part!

Girl Online Going Solo ( Part Three )

Going solo, what could that mean?? This part is my favourite
out of all three of them. I couldn't stop reading. I just
had to find out how it ended. When I first found
out it was going to be orange, I really didn't like 
the idea. I actually really like it now! I seriously
love these books so much. Btw thanks to me, all
my friends bought part one and have told me that
they are obsessed too!!

I'm really proud of Zoe for writing such good books!
And there are some rumours that a film will come out,
and I really hope that's true!! So summing it up,
this book is very good for teen girls! I seriously 
really recommend it!! 

Zoella's :
The books:

I hope you're having an amazing day!
- Angel xo


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